About Me

Hi! My name is Shannon, and I’m an ordained United Methodist Deacon & Certified Ministry Coach. I love to laugh and sing; I enjoy creative problem solving and thinking outside the box. I love meeting new people and enjoy meaningful conversation and different realms of thought.  My secret addiction is playing board games online.

This blog is a merger of an older blog from when I first started out in ministry, and current experiences in life & ministry. Wedged in there are some resources I’ve created over the years; lessons, liturgies, spiritual formation tidbits. For more resources, visit my store on Dandelion Marketplace.

I have an awesome partner, Dr. Jonathan, who is a brilliant Christian Educator/Scholar/Theologian who specializes in United Methodist studies and Rural Communities. Check out his podcast, Rusty Water Towers. We have four precious furbabies: three dogs and a cat.

I grew up thinking of the Church as a second home. My dad was a part time youth director for several years while I was in elementary school. My first job (at age 17) was as a pianist for an early service at a small UMC congregation, where I also helped start a youth praise band and learned how to play guitar. I am currently serving as the Youth & Children’s Ministry Strategist for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.

In the UMC, Deacons are a clergy order set apart for specialized ministry in the church and community. My call is largely centered on facilitating a safe space for all to gather and experience God’s love, to explore our faith together, and to co-create the kingdom of God here on earth where the Gospel of Love prevails and all have a place at the table of God’s grace. I especially love creative problem solving, developing community partnerships, and collaborative ministry.