A Quick Fix

TL/DR: There isn’t one.

In my role as Youth & Children’s Ministry Strategist, I find myself meeting with people who are searching for ways to connect youth and children to their ministries. They either don’t have any participating in their ministries and want to reach out and bring them in, or they have some but are searching for some type of deeper engagement. It seems that people think that if they only had the right curriculum or the right staff person or the right youth room amenities, that their problem would be solved and they can move on to better, more important things.

I listen. Because I can only really help people if I listen. I carry twenty years of education, training, and experience. I carry with me hundreds of youth and children’s ministers whose stories I’ve listened to and whose experiences I’ve learned from. But I listen. Because I’m not sure what to pull out of my toolbox to offer them, until I hear more of what their context is, but more importantly, what their desire is.

I have encountered some whose desire is to fill their sanctuaries and church halls with people. Because, numbers. I have encountered some whose desire is to bring in people who have money to alleviate their financial crisis. Because, money. And I have encountered some whose desire is to share the light and love and hope and peace of Christ with young people. Because, the Holy Spirit.

The reality is, there is no right curriculum or right staff person (though there are certainly some that cause harm). And a fruitful ministry with children and youth can happen whether you have the best equipped space or no space at all.

The hard reality is, there is no quick fix. Because ministry with youth and children takes long term investment…and not necessarily money, but time, energy, and intentionality. Authenticity, trust-building, and a willingness to listen deeply to what people need and to respond to those needs.

This takes time. And sadly, I find similarity in the story of the rich young ruler, where he’s so eager to get into heaven because he has the right stuff, but when Jesus says, try something that you haven’t tried before, don’t rely on what you’ve always thought to be true, but journey alongside me and I’ll show you what it’s all about, the rich young ruler leaves dismayed, because this whole thing is going to be a lot harder than he had imagined.

So my advice for those looking to engage youth and children is: to listen. Listen deeply to their needs. Forget what used to work, let go of judgements as to why what used to work isn’t working now. Celebrate that God is always making things new and that Jesus is inviting us to leave the past behind and to Come and follow the Spirit together into a future filled with hope.

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